E 36 1/2 st.

This is our house but
it is haunted without you
No longer a home

The light has gone out
and now all is cold and gray
Why couldn’t you have stayed?

It’s loud with silence
Your oxygen machine gone
All I can hear is my thoughts

Mother is here but
she just sits in her bedroom
Rain leaks through the roof

When I step inside
No more smell of patchouli
This alien house

Lived here all my life
But this house is not a home
Not without you here

For this piece I decided to write a series of haikus. I wrote about my childhood home in which I have lived all my life. The event in my poem talks about coming home from the hospital to an empty house after my dad passed away nearly two years ago. The house, after he was gone, felt completely different without his presence, like it wasn’t “home” anymore. No matter how many people were there, it always felt empty. This has taken a very long time to get used to.


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