#6: The Moon
You may recognize the character on this card: San from the Studio Ghibli movie Princess Mononoke. Princess Mononoke has been one of my all time favorite movies since I was young, and San has been an artistic muse of mine for quite some time as well. Whenever I do draw her, it's always as an indigenous woman. This card is no different. If you look closely at her face, you may notice a red hand print across her face. This is representative of the countless missing and murdered indigenous women (MMIW) across the U.S., Canada, and elsewhere. Indigenous women are disproportionately kidnapped and murdered at astounding rates, yet their families and loved ones are often deprived of the adequate resources and law enforcement support needed to find these stolen sisters, or to bring their murderers to justice. Awareness of this issue is important, but it is not enough. I have linked below a few online resources for you to learn more about the issue and how you can get involved, as well as organizations working to combat the crisis. No more stolen sisters.
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