#9: Justice

Happy Juneteenth y’all! This is the Justice card, which I thought was a perfect card to reflect the current social and political climate. The black femme personification of Justice depicted here holds up her fist in commemoration of black power, as it is black lives who have been far too long deprived of justice. Her eyes are blinded yet her third eye remains exposed because it is not with our limited human perspective that we should practice judgement, but rather with the spirit, seeing with eyes unclouded by hate and prejudice. Justice’s scale weighs a heart and an eagle feather to determine one’s purity and intention.
As we look forward to a future void of police and mass incarceration, it is also important that we grow in our capacity to extend radical forgiveness and love to both those harmed and those who cause harm. One huge reason our current justice system is so destitute is because there is no meaningful opportunity for rehabilitation, education, mediation, or restorative practices when harm occurs, and therefore no opportunity for healing. As we rebuild into a society that seeks legitimate justice and is rooted in community, we must turn away from harmful attitudes of retribution and harsh punishment that simply re-perpetuate the same cruel systems that have been in operation against us for centuries.
Humanize those imprisoned. Dismantle mass incarceration. Increase access to education on restorative justice practices and deescalation. Abolish police. Reinvest in community.
And as always: If we don’t get no justice, they don’t get no peace.
¡Viva la revolución!

Love, Rachel
June 19th, 2020


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